Monday, June 27, 2022

 This is the last week of June 2022. Half of the year will be officially gone just like that. So good morning and “how do you do”. 

We’ve been busy being busy around here. We were prepping for our up coming weekend of July 4th and doing all of the things one does when they are expecting company. But alas, tis’ not to be. My daughter Lisa and her family were supposed to come up from North Carolina this coming Friday and stay through the weekend. But, yesterday she was admitted to the hospital and may be facing surgery yet this week, we don’t know for sure. It’s an intestinal issue or it may be something else. We are waiting for her doctor to come and see her this morning. She’s in a lot of pain, so — I’m asking you to say a prayer for her. We will still have Julie and Jim here for the weekend. So that’s a good thing. Julie has a birthday on the 5th of July so we can celebrate with her on that. 

Today is an absolutely beautiful day. It is currently 73 degrees at 0930 and is only going up to 88 degrees today with wall to wall sunshine. It is supposed to be nice all week until the weekend and of course it is going to rain through the holiday weekend. That’s gong to ruin a lot plans that people are working on I reckon. But we need the rain so there will be no grousing allowed. We are under drought conditions here and it is even a lot worse as you head west. I’ve been reading articles about different lakes and rivers that are drying up for lack of rain. I even read that the Great Salt Lake out in Utah is now two thirds dry. That really impacts the eco structure. Over the years we have watched Lake Mead out in the Las Vegas area drop by the feet. California towns are starting to ration water and farmers are getting desperate to get water to water the food and crops that we as a country rely on. I’m amazed though that with all of the technology that we seem to be able to come up with, —— how come no one has a solution on how to turn ocean water into usable water. Wouldn’t you think that the world scientists could work on that instead of how to build a new weapon? I mean, it’s only the world’s food supply that is at risk but I guess there is no profit in it yet. 

I think I will stop and make some waffles for breakfast. I like waffles, always have. We are a week of yet but I hope you will spend some time thinking about the upcoming holiday, —- Independence Day! How fortunate we are to be able to celebrate that. So many people in this world will never have an Independence Day or a day in their lies without the threat of oppression. Give God thanks this week for your blessings. Peace. 

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