Tuesday, October 19, 2021

 A crisp Tuesday morning has dawned. It is currently 46 degrees but the temps should rise to around 74 today. That’s a good thing because I have more work to do out there in my front flower bed. I spent three hours out there yesterday and only got one corner looking decent. But that corner hadn’t been touched all summer and had gotten so over grown. It was one of those, “I need to do that” things. I admit that I really neglect the north side of my house. The only time I see it is when I mow. There is a fence that cuts it in half so it really gets neglected. Then I have to spend days like I’m doing now and work my tail off to get it back under control. I filed three large yard waste bags yesterday with stuff that I cut out. This afternoon I’ll get back to it. Unfortunately, I also broke my “limb loppers” in the process. The handle snapped off. So I have to go get a new set or jump on Amazon and order a new set. 

This morning I need to get ready and go get my hair cut. It’s rubbing on my ears and that not only looks shaggy, it kind of drives me nuts. I can’t believe that in the early 70’s I actually wore my hair down over my ears. But it was the style and I wanted to look cool. Instead, I think I just looked like a nerd with long hair. I’ve never really fit in style wise. Man, —- back in the late 50’s, early 60’s I want to look like a greaser with the slicked back hair and all. Two major things prevented that though; first of all my parents would allow it, and secondly I’m a blonde and that just didn’t work. So, instead of looking like Elvis —- I looked like Pat Boone. Instead of singing “Nothing But a Hound dog”, I was singing “April Love”. Sigh Instead of having a cool ‘57 Chevy, —- I had a ‘54 Studebaker. LOLOL. But — I did love that car, and back in those days, I was one of the few kids that actually owned a car. I paid $125.00 for that car. Back then Studebaker were the only kind of cars we had in our family. Dad was a mechanic and shop foreman for the local Studebaker dealership, so that’s what we drove. They were excellent cars. Very solid, ran well, but certainly not stylish and that kind of is what became their demise. 

I guess I better sign off now and get on with my day. I hope you get a chance to get out and enjoy some sunshine today. While you are out there look around at what God has created just for you today and then \\give thanks for your blessings. Peace. 

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