Friday, August 13, 2021

 Good morning, it is Friday the 13th. Does that make you nervous? Are you superstitious?? I always just figured it was the day before Saturday the 14th. It looks like it might come a rain and the radar shows a bit of “green and yellow heading out way. It won’t amount to much I’m sure. 

Yesterday was a sad day. I did the funeral for Karen, our St. Paul’s church organist. It was very well attended, as one would expect. That’s two funerals in less than ten days. I can be done with that part of the job for awhile, thank you. There are much more pleasant parts of my job that I like to do. One of those was last night. We had a “New Members” meeting last night for the parish last night. I had four new members for one church and one new member for the other. That’s very exciting. We’re going to wait until the churches go back to worshipping separately to induct them into their respective churches. That will be October 10th. 

I’m taking today off! — Well at least I’m not in my office doing any church stuff. I have “home work” to do like mow the yard, do some weed eating, take Ms. Kate and go appliance hunting for a new dishwasher, and maybe even go buy her a new computer. Our dishwasher is ten years old and it has basically given up the ghost. We are doing dishes by hand. I understand that people still do that. LOL But, no more dishes than we have a day, it is no big deal. So maybe we’ll not rush into it. 

He computer, on the other hand, has become aggravating. It just shuts down while she is doing something or it turns itself off without notice. Thank goodness we aren’t still in the day when you had tp save and “ship” your computer when you leave it or risk losing everything. Granted, 95% of what she uses a computer for is plying Klondike and Bingo. The other part is Facebook and shopping. But she has more bad luck with computers and technology than anyone I know. I’m constantly having to go make it work for her again. Before her stroke several years ago, she was my “go to” for anything computer related. No it is totally reversed. The problem with that is that I’m only really guessing as to what may or may not be wrong with them. Thank goodness Julie comes over once in awhile. We rely her to be our techie. 

Ms. Kate taped the season end of Mountain men last night so we could watch it together, and she is ready to do that. So, I’m out of here. Have a blessed day. Peace. 

Re doing dishes by hand

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