Saturday, April 17, 2021

 Happy lazy Saturday morning. I’m sitting here wondering if it is going to rain or not. It certainly looks like it could and we are predicted to have some light showers on and off today. Frankly, I would like to see it rain maybe an inch. I put plants in the ground yesterday and I would like to see them get some water. I watered them after I planted them but some more today would not be a bad idea. But —- we are only predicted to get maybe a tenth of an inch. On the other and, I need to go get some garden dirt and potting soil today and try to find some tomato plants, although it might be a little early to br putting tomatoes in the ground. I need to Google that. 

I’m sore today from doing my yard and garden work yesterday. I used my post hole digger to make the holes for my new peonies and that made me have to stop and rest for awhile. It ain’t as easy as it all used to be. I’was planting the peonies and had to get down on the ground and I thought I was going to have call Ms. Kate from my cell phone and have her come help me get back up. This getting old ain’t easy and it ain’t for wimps. LOL. But it beats the alternative. 

We had another mass shooting in this country yesterday. Some 19 year old kid took a rifle to the FEDEX facility in Indianapolis, where he used to work and just started killing people, and then took his own life. I just don’t understand the concept or thought process. If you want to take your own life, that’s one thing, but why take the lives of nine innocent people first. His mother says that he had mental problems and in fact had even reported him to the police last July because she thought he might take his own life. The police had taken his shotgun from him at the time but apparently he got a rifle somewhere. I ‘m only speculating but I reckon he thought the people at FEDEX didn’t treat him right. It is so sad\\. This is the third mass shooting like this in the last month. Of course it just gives fodder to the politicians and left wing groups who want to ban all guns in this country. That would be the same politicians that have surrounded themselves with military people and private armed security. They speak with forked tongues. 

That’s about it for today. I pray your day will be blessed. I sit here and look at all of my Backyard Buffet guests and my beautiful flowers and I give God thanks for letting me wake to another day. Don’t forget church tomorrow, Peace. 

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