Monday, January 18, 2021

 Good morning and happy Brrrrrrr-Monday. It’s 34 degrees and there is a dusting of snow out there on the ground. The sky is overcast and that most likely means that even what little snow we do have, will not melt quickly today. But, I’m not going to be out in it anyway so who cares. 

How was your weekend? Our was the usual. Although, — I guess it wasn’t really “usual”. I did lose my parishioner on Friday evening. Bless his heart, I had been up to his house just a couple of hours prior and did an “end of life” worship and prayer with him. I got home and his wife called me about two hours later and said that he had passed. It was time. I’m glad God has relieved him of his suffering and I’m glad for his wife that she can now exhale and relax somewhat. We will do the funeral on Thursday afternoon. The COVID restrictions are still in effect so I don’t know what really to expect. The funeral home can only have 25 people at a time in it and visitation is what they are calling “walk-through”, which means, go by the casket and pay respects to the family and exit. That’s hard on everybody. People want to stand and talk and express their feelings and they really can’t. But the times are what they are. I’ll do the service at the funeral home and then do a graveside service too. I think more people can be at the graveside if they want because it is out side and people are safer as long as they wear their masks and social distance. (I’ll so glad when this pandemic is beaten.)

Our service went well yesterday and the broadcast/taping went off without a hitch. Jacob is going to “pull the trigger”on the purchase of the new camera this week. I’ll be really glad when it is in. My vision of it all is that he can just sit and do everything from his laptop as far as zoom, pan, tilt. I may be over simplifying it all because in reality, I only know what I want to be able to do. I’m sometimes guilty of “we’re going to” when I don’t understand “what we can do.” 

Tomorrow evening Ms. Kate and I go to get our first COVID shot. I’m hoping we have no reactions to it. We get the flu shot every year and it never bothers us, so maybe this will be the same. I’m glad we can get ours. I hear and see so many stories on the news about people standing line hours long lines only to be turned away. I also hear other people say that they went, it took no time, and they had no after affect. So, who knows what to expect. I know we have appointment times and just hope that it all works out well. 

I think that is it for today. Welcome to a new week of opportunities to do something good for some body. I would ask you to smile at strangers but I’d rather they didn’t see your smile because of your mask. So, just say “hey” to a stranger. You might just be the best thing that has happened tp them today. Peace. 

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